Monday, August 25, 2008

Aussie conference

We're all home from another terrific get together at the Langham in Melbourne. What a blast these conferences are! If you've ever been to one I need say no more. If you haven't--GO.

I was thrilled that The Right Chord was voted Best Short Novel Cover --in a three way tie but I'm sure none of us mind that. There were 98 entries.

Two of the Canberra girls had very exciting news while there. Tracey O'Hara was contracted by Avon for her dark Vampire book 'Night's Cold Kiss' plus two sequels and Erika Hayes won the much coveted Valerie Parv Award. The prize is a year of mentoring by the very experienced, very generous and very talented writer Valerie Parv.

Next year we invade Brisbane and no-one can wait!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

New Avalon cover and music

You can see the beautiful Avalon cover for my second book, Coming Home, on my website. I had trouble uploading it here because it's in the wrong format. Too technical pour moi. LOL

While you're there, go to the About page and listen to me in action with the Aeolus Wind Trio. We provide elegant, sophisticated background music at weddings and functions.

One day I'll write a book incorporating all the bizarre happenings and venues we've played or performed at.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

New book 'Stuck'

Avalon will keep the working title of Stuck for my third book. I'm so pleased and relieved because it sums up the book perfectly and would have been very difficult to improve upon.

Here's the blurb.

When Gina Tait and Brad Harding spend ninety minutes stuck in an elevator together, neither can deny an intense physical attraction. Neither can they deny that in the real world, their ambitions and life views are the complete polar opposites.

Despite a constant nagging desire to stay in contact both Brad and Gina agree nothing could ever come of a relationship between an ambitious, single, city girl and a laid back widowed father of two from a small country town. Better not to start.

Fate, however, in the form of a raging storm and Brad’s twelve year old daughter, Claire, has other plans.