Sunday, February 22, 2009

Free download

My short story "The Interview" is available for free download on the The Wild Rose Press website. The hero Jack is the same don't-waste-my-time character as in my book "Strings Attached." I wrote the short first but Jack had more going for him than just a short story. He was too intriguing to leave.
Go to for a free read.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

An excellent morning

This morning I had two good news emails from my Avalon editors. They were thrilled to send me the following review for my next book 'Stuck'--to be released in April.

Publisher's Weekly - February 9th 2009Stuck Elisabeth Rose. Avalon, $23.95 (272p) ISBN 978-0-8034-9944-7
Gina Tait, half of this offbeat novel's opposites-attract duo, is a busy woman whose overbooked life takes a 90-minute break when she gets stuck in an elevator with relaxed widower Brad Harding. While the two share an intense physical attraction, their lifestyles are far too different to contemplate a relationship. Still, after they escape the stalled elevator, they can't stop thinking about each other, and when they try to be friends, Brad's daughters decide that Gina is the perfect candidate for motherhood. The transformation of total opposites to plausible lovers happens slowly but organically (despite the absurd setup), and the cast is charismatic and easily lovable. Romance readers looking for a low-key time-burner will have a ball. (Apr.)

Then there was another good review of the same book in Booklist.

Rose, Elisabeth (Author)
Apr 2009. 272 p. Avalon, hardcover, $23.95. (9780803499447).
Brad Harding is making an infrequent trip into Sydney from his country home to lodge a formal complaint on behalf of his community regarding the placement of a cell tower. An artist who works with wood, he enjoys the laid-back, friendly nature of his bucolic home. The bustling, impersonal city seems neatly summed up by the no-nonsense woman who steps into the elevator. She’s slick, uptight, and all business.

Ordinarily, they would have nothing to do with each other, but when the elevator breaks down they’re forced to interact. Gina Tait is exactly what Brad imagines her to be, but much more lies beneath the surface. Gina sees Brad as some sort of counterculture hippie, but that doesn’t stop her from leaning on him when the elevator goes dark. They might never meet again after their rescue, but that short time together leaves an indelible impression. Preconceived notions and prejudices fall by the wayside in Rose’s highly enjoyable out-of-the-blue romance.
— Maria Hatton

Plus my current Avalon release 'Coming Home' will be available in Large Print.

Needless to say I'm very, very happy!