Sunday, March 16, 2008


About twenty five years ago I decided to start readng my way through my local library. You know what's it's like in the library. You go back to the same authors because you can't remember that name someone recommended, or you wander up and down the aisles aimlessly browsing and not deciding.

That day I'd had enough indecision. I went to the first two or three books in the A section and took them. Next visit I took the next few. I didn't cheat if the title or genre put me off--I read whatever was there. I didn't always finish a book. Some were just too deadly but I came across some wonderful authors I never would have read. I've read an amazing cross section of styles and storylines.

My library has shifted premises twice in those twenty five or so years but i find my place and continue on.

Guess what letter I'm on at present . . . .


Erica Hayes said...

After 25 years...?

Maybe a letter a year? I guess the 'Z' section won't take long ;)

Erica (from Canberra RWA)

Elisabeth Rose said...

Hi Erica. Z is along way off! I do read other books. I have a large TBR pile which I recently whittled down a bit.